The Future of Education: A HappierMe Survey

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Education is the cornerstone of personal development and societal growth. It shapes the minds of the young and prepares them for the challenges of the future. However, the traditional focus on academic knowledge alone is increasingly being questioned. A recent survey conducted by HappierMe, an emotional intelligence and personal development app, set out to understand what people think should be added to the educational curriculum to complement academic knowledge. The results are a compelling call for a more holistic approach to education.

The survey, which had 1,609 responses, revealed that a significant number of people believe that schools should teach more than just academic knowledge. Here’s a breakdown of the results:

- 11% voted for the art of happy relationships

- 39% for emotional intelligence

- 30% for communication skills

- 21% for how to manage mental health

These results highlight a collective desire for an educational system that prioritises emotional well-being and interpersonal skills alongside intellectual development.

The Art of Happy Relationships

With 11% of the vote, the art of happy relationships is seen as a vital skill that schools should teach. Our long term happiness is largely determined by the quality of our relationships according to the Harvard study on happiness. This can also contribute to our success at work. Like any skill, it can be taught and could reduce the more than 50% of relationships that break down, and many more that are unhappy.

We need to teach students how to understand and manage their emotions in the context of relationships, empathise with others, and how to be more respectful of different points of view.

Emotional Intelligence

A significant 39% believe emotional intelligence (EI) should be a part of the school curriculum. EI is the ability to identify, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, and apply that to have better relationships. Integrating EI into education could equip children with the skills to navigate life’s ups and downs, foster resilience, and improve mental health outcomes.

Communication Skills

Communication is the key to human interaction, and 30% of respondents thought that schools need to do more to enhance students’ communication abilities. Effective communication can lead to better collaboration, conflict resolution, and leadership abilities. It’s a skill that transcends the classroom and is essential in virtually every aspect of life. We need to teach students the art of listening with curiosity, speaking with care and understanding what people may not be saying.

Managing Mental Health

Lastly, 21% of participants thought that mental health management should be taught in schools. In a world where mental health issues are on the rise, equipping children with strategies to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression is crucial. This could lead to a generation that is not only more aware of mental health but also more adept at seeking help when needed. With 1 in 5 teens reporting a mental health problem we urgently need to teach children how to manage their own mental health.

The HappierMe survey sheds light on a growing consensus: education should evolve to include life skills that support emotional and social well-being. By integrating these elements into the curriculum, we can hope to nurture well-rounded adults who are prepared for the complexities of modern life.

As we look to the future, it is clear that our educational institutions have the opportunity to redefine what it means to be educated. By embracing a more comprehensive approach, we can unlock the full potential of the next generation.

The HappierMe emotional intelligence app for Teens is available for download now and offers a 2 week free trial. It empowers Teens to manage their own emotions and mental health, have happier relationships and develop their soft skills. For more information visit

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